Monday, December 29, 2014


Effective treatment against common bacteria and fungal infections found in aquarium fishes. Usually these infections are cause by Columnaris and Aeromonas bacteria.  

FURAN PLUS contains a powerful anti-bacteria agent, Nitrofuranzone , which is effective to treat most bacterial infection. It is a broad spectrum treatment against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.  At the same time, FURAN PLUS is premixed with MCA+ which will improve the performance of nitrofuranzone.

EIHO FURAN PLUS  use to treat :
- Cloudy eyes and body slime /fungus cause by bacteria
- Open wounds such as red sores, bites, ulcers.
- Effective to treat fin rot, skin rot, gill rot, tail rot, which are usually cause by bacteria infection.
- Cure for early stage of dropsy, which can be cause by bacteria infection.

Cloudy Eye                                           Slime Body


Fin Rot                                               Ulcers

What is MCA+?

During treatment phase, the effectiveness of the treatment can be affected by organic wastes, minerals and heavy metals in the aquarium water.  These wastes and minerals will bind nitrofuranzone and prevent it to target harmful bacteria.  MCA+ will binds these wastes, minerals and heavy metals and free up the powerful nitrofuranzone.  This will allows FURAN PLUS treatment to be shorter and be effective even at low dosage. 

60g bottle treat 1500L water.
2g (2.5ml spoon) for 50L

Remove activated carbon during treatment
For best results, treat for a period of 5-7days. 

Add medications on day 1, day 3 and day 5. We recommend a 25% water change before adding medication. This will reduce chances of recurrence of disease outbreak.
Prevent handling the medication directly with hand. Please use glove or the spoon provided.

Special Note:
Water can be appear slightly yellowish during treatment.

Product Link:

Sunday, December 21, 2014

60cm Tangayika Cichlid Hardscape

Tangayika Cichlid Tank

60 x 22 x 27cm
Filter : Tom Internal Filter 600l/h

Sand: SUDO Symphony Sand
Rock / Stone : ANS Cichlid Rock
Background : Grandarts NatureBoard background

Neolamprologus leleupi
Albino Brichardi
Tropheus Duboisi
Blue Acara

90cm Hardscape Tank

Tank : ANS Opticlear Tank 90 x 45 x 45cm
Filter : UP Aqua 2200L/H Canister Filter w/ UV
Light : SANRISE Aqua-Pro LED Light (Plant version)

Sand : ANS Mixed Pebbles
Rock : ANS Sekryi Rocks
Wood : ANS Spiderwood

Plants :
Narrow Trident Fern
Narrow Fern

Wednesday, December 3, 2014



Equipment used
Tank : 35 x 20 x 24cm
Light : UP Pro Led N series 17cm
Filter : UP A061 Filter

Hardscape : ANS Hanjo Rock
Sand : Sudo Symphony sand
Plants :
Ophiopogon japonica
Hydrocotyle Sp. Japan
Anubias Nana
Christmas moss