Monday, December 29, 2014


Effective treatment against common bacteria and fungal infections found in aquarium fishes. Usually these infections are cause by Columnaris and Aeromonas bacteria.  

FURAN PLUS contains a powerful anti-bacteria agent, Nitrofuranzone , which is effective to treat most bacterial infection. It is a broad spectrum treatment against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.  At the same time, FURAN PLUS is premixed with MCA+ which will improve the performance of nitrofuranzone.

EIHO FURAN PLUS  use to treat :
- Cloudy eyes and body slime /fungus cause by bacteria
- Open wounds such as red sores, bites, ulcers.
- Effective to treat fin rot, skin rot, gill rot, tail rot, which are usually cause by bacteria infection.
- Cure for early stage of dropsy, which can be cause by bacteria infection.

Cloudy Eye                                           Slime Body


Fin Rot                                               Ulcers

What is MCA+?

During treatment phase, the effectiveness of the treatment can be affected by organic wastes, minerals and heavy metals in the aquarium water.  These wastes and minerals will bind nitrofuranzone and prevent it to target harmful bacteria.  MCA+ will binds these wastes, minerals and heavy metals and free up the powerful nitrofuranzone.  This will allows FURAN PLUS treatment to be shorter and be effective even at low dosage. 

60g bottle treat 1500L water.
2g (2.5ml spoon) for 50L

Remove activated carbon during treatment
For best results, treat for a period of 5-7days. 

Add medications on day 1, day 3 and day 5. We recommend a 25% water change before adding medication. This will reduce chances of recurrence of disease outbreak.
Prevent handling the medication directly with hand. Please use glove or the spoon provided.

Special Note:
Water can be appear slightly yellowish during treatment.

Product Link:

Sunday, December 21, 2014

60cm Tangayika Cichlid Hardscape

Tangayika Cichlid Tank

60 x 22 x 27cm
Filter : Tom Internal Filter 600l/h

Sand: SUDO Symphony Sand
Rock / Stone : ANS Cichlid Rock
Background : Grandarts NatureBoard background

Neolamprologus leleupi
Albino Brichardi
Tropheus Duboisi
Blue Acara

90cm Hardscape Tank

Tank : ANS Opticlear Tank 90 x 45 x 45cm
Filter : UP Aqua 2200L/H Canister Filter w/ UV
Light : SANRISE Aqua-Pro LED Light (Plant version)

Sand : ANS Mixed Pebbles
Rock : ANS Sekryi Rocks
Wood : ANS Spiderwood

Plants :
Narrow Trident Fern
Narrow Fern

Wednesday, December 3, 2014



Equipment used
Tank : 35 x 20 x 24cm
Light : UP Pro Led N series 17cm
Filter : UP A061 Filter

Hardscape : ANS Hanjo Rock
Sand : Sudo Symphony sand
Plants :
Ophiopogon japonica
Hydrocotyle Sp. Japan
Anubias Nana
Christmas moss

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Cardinal tetras

The Cardinal tetra  is a small egg-laying freshwater fish that belongs to the family Characidae in the order Characiformes. It is native to the upper Orinoco and Rio Negro Rivers in South America.

The Cardinal tetra is a very popular aquarium fish, but often confused with the Neon tetra. 
Both Cardinal tetras and Neon tetras feature an iridescent blue line that bisects the body of the fish. Under this line, you will see a lateral red stripe where Neon Tetras will end halfway from the tail and Cardinal tetra continue much longer.

The Cardinal tetra will grow up to 3-5 cm long and does not require a large aquarium. Even a small 20 liter aquarium can comfortably house a Cardinal tetra.

Set up an aquarium with lots of plants with some open swimming space. Cardinal tetras should always be kept in groups consisting of at least ten Cardinal tetras. Keeping a single Cardinal tetra is not a good idea. They feel better in a group. This helps to reduce the stress and shy in them and also bring out the natural color of the fish. The Cardinal tetra is a good choice if you are looking for fish that will occupy the top and mid part of the aquarium.
They are friendly and peaceful, ideal to add into a community aquarium. They accept most type of foods.

The conditions in the aquarium should ideally be soft water (2 – 6 dGH) with pH of 4 – 7.5; water temperature is 20-29 degrees Celsius.

The Cardinal tetra is sensitive when it comes to water quality. Nitrate must keep at a low level. Frequent water changes should be carried out and food should never be left uneaten in the water.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

AL Mini Chiller review

AL Mini Chiller, uses TEC module technology to cool water in you aquarium. Suitable for freshwater, planted and marine aquarium

- Small in size.
- Silent Operation
- Environment friendly
- Take time to cool water

We did a test on how much time it needs to cool the water.
Material used on this experiment:
ANS Opti Clear 30cm Cube Tank (27 Litre)
AL 30 Mini Chiller
Jebao AP300 Mini water pump (150l/h)

We use Jebao AP300 mini water pump to run the chiller. Installation is very easy

This test shows how long it takes to cool down water to 25 °C. At room temperature of around 29 degrees Celsius.
Below is a table on the result
Temperature (°C)

It takes around 9 hours to bring down from 29.3 to 25.0 °C.

AL Mini Chiller stops when it reach the desire temperature, work again when 1°C higher then desire temperature. We did another test to see if how long it takes to bring down from 26°C to 25°C. Below is a table on the result
Temperature (°C)

Around 1 hour to bring down 1°C.

We try to cool it to 24°C but it did go down even 0.1°C for 3 hours. Room temperature: 29.6°C. We assume that it can only cool down to 25°C under room temperature of 29°C for a 27 liter tank.

You will be able to cool down more if you have lesser water, but it also depend on what room temperature you have.

Do some calculation to see which model you would need to use.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Setting up a 3ft planted aquarium for our customer (part 2)

Last week, we setup a 3ft planted aquarium, we went again today to check on the aquarium.
Our customer have introduced fishes into their tank on the 4th day. The fishes are doing great. Amano shrimps are also introduced to eat algae.
Fishes introduced are:
Dwarf Gourami
Rummy Nose Rasboras
Rainbow Tetras
Congo Tetras
Amano Shrimps

We test the water using JBL 6 in 1 Test Strip. All parameter are good.
No3: 0
No2: 0
GH: 4dh
KH: 3dkh
pH: 6.4
Chlorine: 0

We did 50% water change to remove excess nutrient in the water that comes from the substrate. Although plants should be absorbing the nutrient, but they are still immature at the beginning to absorb all the nutrient in the water. Water change now will help to prevent algae outbreak in the aquarium. This is a very important step.
We change around 50% of the water twice per week for the 1st month until plants are mature enough, than we do water change once per week or depends on tank condition.
During the first week of planting, plants might die as some might be unhealthy or weak due to transport and handling. We replant them during water change as it is easiest to do when water level is low.

Fill the aquarium with water, we add in JBL Biotopol to remove chlorine and chloramines to make water safe for fishes and plants.
After 15 min, we introduce more Amano shrimp into the aquarium, making it to 20 Amano shrimps. (^_^)
We like to add in as much Amano shrimp as possible to a planted aquarium, they are hardworking and clean up algae very fast.

We add in more EIHO Bacter Gold (beneficial bacteria).
JBL Ferropol (Fertilizer) to provide missing nutrients for plants growth
EIHO Plant Carbo help moss to grow easier and also prevent algae growth.
Check equipment and ensure they are working well.


ANS Clearmax clears cloudy water in planted aquarium

One of our planted aquariums is experiencing cloudy water yesterday. There are many reasons that lead to cloudy water. In this scenario, dead plants or fishes were not removed from the tank.

We did no water change. Instead we introduce ANS Clearmax to the aquarium. ANS Clearmax is a simple to use filter media suitable for freshwater, planted and marine aquarium. It clears cloudy water and improves tank conditions immediately by removing nitrate, ammonia and toxins in the water.

Wash ANS Clearmax with tap water before placing it into filter compartment, this activates it to start absorbing any toxic, ammonia and nitrates.

After 18 hours, our planted aquarium clears up. Crystal clear water is observed

We find this method safest and most effective. Too much water change may kill sensitive livestock like shrimps and cloudy water may still happen after 2 – 3 days. Adding beneficial bacteria clears up the water but it will take time to do so. ANS Clearmax does not harm sensitive livestock and also clears up water within hours. Effectiveness last for 1 month. Changing every month helps to maintain crystal clear water and healthy water condition in your aquarium.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Setting up a 3ft planted aquarium for our customer

This week, we went to our customer place to set up a planted aquarium. The customer brought our display aquarium at our store.
Our customer wants an easy maintenance planted aquarium; we changed some equipment and plants to suit his needs. We will show you as we talks more.

Equipment we used:
Cabinet: Custom Cabinet (90 x 45 x 80cm)
Hanging Bar: ANS Hydro Bar M90
Lighting: Metal Halide 150w, 2 x 36w PL florescent
Filtration: UP Aqua G055UV
Substrate:  ANS Planta Base, JBL Manado, ANS NatureSand Bright Sand
Plants: Blyxa Japonica, Blyxa Aubertii, Taiwan Moss, Microsorum Pteropus Narrow leaf , Bolbitis Heudelotii, Anubias Nana var Petite, Aponogeton Crispus

We design the cabinet on the right side to have a bigger hole so hot air from the chiller can be expel easily.

Installed the hanging bar and lighting. we hang light 30cm above the tank, this will helps to spread out the light to every corner of the tank.

Connecting filter to chiller. We use canister filter that have UV-C light, UV-C light help to keep water clear and reduce algae growth. We set temperature of chiller at 25 degree Celsius, this will promote plants growth and also reduce algae growth. (Get a mini fan on the chiller compartment to expel the heat produced by the chiller.)

Start scaping. Start with the wood first. (Sorry for the bad photo)

Add in the rocks. Make a border as we are adding sand at the front and substrate at the back.

After hardscape is done, we add in ANS NatureSand Bright Sand at the front. Try to fill up the sand into every small holes, this will prevent substrate from the back flowing to the front.

Add in ANS Planta Base as the bottom substrate. ANS Planta Base help plants to grow better and also keep the root healthy and strong.

Add in JBL Manado at the top. We like to use JBL Manado as substrate for low maintenance planted aquarium. It increases survivability of plant and enhance root growth. Restrict the growth of algae by absorbing excess fertilizer from the water. Less water change is needed.

Add little water so it is easier for planting.

Start planting. Spray water on the moss and fern between planting to keep them from drying up.

Fill up water and we are done.

We add EIHO Bacter Gold to increase the beneficial bacteria in the aquarium, add in twice every week help break down waste and harmful ammonia, nitrite and fasten the process of nitrogen cycle.

Co2 injection : 4 Bubbles per second

We told the customer to change 25% to 50% of the water twice a week for the first month. It is a very important step to improve water quality for planted aquarium. Add in some Siamese algae eater and Otocinclus on the 3rd day, they help eat up algae in the aquarium.

It is all for today setup. We are going back next week to check on plants and water quality and hopefully we will be able to add in fishes already.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Solving a customer pond problem (part 2)

Last week, we helped our customer with his pond problem.
(Click here to see what we did during last visit)

We changed it pond filter from a canister filter to a Jebao CF20UV pond filter.
We also added Greencut algae removal to remove the excess algae in the pond and EIHO Activated Carbon into the pond to remove smells and purify the water to keep water crystal clear.

This week, we went back and water quality is much better now. we took some photo to show you the different. 



Water is crystal clear now. Algae and slug are much lesser now. As water quality is better now, we will be adding new fishes into the pond. 

First, we did water test for the pond.  Ammonia (NH4), Nitrite (NO2) and Nitrate (NO3) were fine but pH is a bit acidic. (Below 7). We are adding goldfish into the pond, pH needs to be slightly alkaline (Around 7 – 7.5).
To increase the pH, we add in EIHO Water Stabilizer into the pond. It will raise the pH. At the same time, EIHO water stabilizer will increase the KH, which will prevent pH fluctuation. We recommend the KH level be kept at around 2-6. 

If you have outdoor ponds, after a heavy rain you may experience large pH and KH drop. Usually, rain in our region can be slightly acidic. After heavy downpour, your pond can receive up to 50% water changes. This will alter the parameters such as Salinity, pH, KH.

This can cause fishes to be scare (fishes appear darting around or appear restless in a corner). In worse cases, it can cause unnecessary fish death.

We recommend hobbyist to keep a few packs of  EIHO Water Stabilizer after heavy rainfall. This will help to stablise the water condition of the pond.

It time to add in the fishes. Our customer brought some baby goldfish to test the water of the newly cleaned pond. 

After adding the fishes, we add in EIHO Bacter Gold. EIHO Bacter Gold is beneficial bacteria in powder form. Beneficial bacteria help break down waste and harmful ammonia, nitrite and fasten the process of nitrogen cycle in the pond so we can add in more fishes in the pond in future. It also helps reduce the slug in the pond.

These are about all that need to be done. We advise our lient to add in Greencut algae removal and EIHO Bacter Gold twice every month. This will remove remaining algae and slug in the pond and also preventing them.

Add fishes like algae eaters and bottom feeders will help remove algae too. It is always good to add in other kind of fishes to create an ecosystem in a pond. This will reduce the need for maintenance.

It's always nice to see our customer feeling good with their fishes and pond.
Happy customer, happy us.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Solving a customer pond problem (part 1)

Recently, we went to a customer house to help with their ponds problem.

They were facing problems like algae, fish dying and cloudy and smelly water in their pond.
While checking on the pond we see that their water was green (cause by algae), pebbles were covered with slug and algae, water was still, water was smelly as dead fishes are left in the pond.

And we found the cause for the problem in their pond. They were using a canister filter system with low water flow rate.

We suggested them to change to a better filtration system that can provide them with good water flow rate and UV-C system to eliminate algae to improve their water quality in order to keep fishes.

We changed their filtration system to Jebao CF20 Pond Filter(with UV) with Jebao FM8000 eco water pump.

On the left is the Jebao CF20 Pond Filter (with UV) with Jebao FM8000 eco water pump. On the right is the canister filter that were used before

Jebao CF Filters comes with filter materials that help to remove dirt both physically and biologically, keeping your pond clean and crystal clear

Built in UV-C filtration helps eliminate harmful bacteria and algae outbreak.

Feature a backwash cleaning function that can completely remove the dirt on the entire surface of the filters. Backwash cleaning can easily be done in a few minutes without opening the lid. This feature ensures that the filter performs at optimal levels for many days and prolongs the time between cleaning of filter

There is a clogging indicator that allows you to know when to backwash or clean the filter.

We use Jebao FM8000 eco water pump as it save more than 50% energy (electricity) compare to a normal water pump.

Picture after we installed the filter. Water circulation is much better now.

As the pond water was smelly due to dead fishes, algae and slug. We decided to add in Green Cut algae removal and EIHO Activate carbon to purify the water making it safe for fishes to live in. (Of course, we remove the dead fishes in the pond first)

Green Cut Powder Algae removal is used to remove and clear the algae in the water. It is safe for all species of fish

EIHO Activated carbon is used to remove smell and purifies the water, keeping water crystal clear.

It takes time to purify the water in the pond, we will leave it with this first.
We are going back next week to check out on the pond and hopefully we will be able to add fishes into the pond.